

There are more sports out there than you could have ever imagined, sports you have never seen on the news or the paper, sports that are just odd and straight-up head-scratching weirdness. You may have heard of these sports mentioned by friends or colleagues but here at Weird Sports 1800 we are dedicated to bringing you the best news on the weirdest of sports to make every week just a little bit better.

Competitive Eating: Beula Kantimahanti

I’m Beula Kantimahanti, studying a bachelor of security studies. In the coming days, I'll be covering competitive eating. This strange sport has been questioned if it even is considered a sport. Over the next few weeks get ready to see updates on competitive eating, what happens in competitive eating, how it came to be and weird facts that surround this strange sport.

Water Sports: Janith Tillakaratne

Hey, there everyone my name is Janith Tillakratne and I am a second-year student at Macquarie University Sydney Australia currently studying Cyber Security. I will be the author of the water-sports division of the Weird Sports 1800 team here, and I gotta say we have some pretty good ones coming up. First, we’ll start with an aquatic twist on the wonderful world of hockey and then lead into some more diverse and strange sports later down the line. I'll be looking forward to it, catch you all later.

Animal sports:

Hi, I’m Kieran Moschner, I’m studying a Bachelor of Information Technology and love animals. Sports are not my favourite thing but there are some amazing and weird ones where animals are involved and used for. There are many more sports involving animals than your average dog show or racing, some are unique on their own while others just replace some elements of it. Follow this blog to see just how weird, exciting and amazing the world of animal sport can be.

Combat Sports: Aarya Hattangdi

I’m Aarya Hattangdi, studying a bachelor’s of Cyber Security, the sport which I’m going to focus on is Chess Boxing !!! We are all familiar with combat sports, boxing, wrestling, judo, taekwondo, the list is endless and familiar. However, what happens when combat is combined with an intellectual game of patience, the complete opposite, such as chess? How weird can it get, two of the most opposite activities combined into one?!?

Parkour: Jawad Shinwari

Hello, I am Jawad Shinwari, studying a bachelor of commerce - Professional Accounting. The sport that I will be talking about is parkour. Parkour is one of those intense sports that gets the crowd hearts racing, whether this person is willing to break a bone or two to perform such a stunt. Scary isn’t it? How such a free-running sport can turn into a life-death situation. I will be talking more about parkour on this blog.


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